Kumpulan Judul Skripsi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (Part 2)

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Silakan dicopy paste, dishare … Jangan lupa tinggalkan komentar yah?!

  1. The Comporison Between Text Book & Students Work Sheet (LKS) Used At The First Year Af Senior High School In Barru Regency
  2. Students Perception Toward English News Program Broadcosted In Television As A Media To Proctice
  3. Study By Students English Acheventure At Multi (MTC)
  4. Using Class Analysis Method To Assist Students Problem In Learning To Read To The First Year Level Of SLTPN 1 Takkalaila Wajo Regency
  5. Survey On The Students Learning Styles At SMPN 3 Baraka Enrekang
  6. Using Time Token Arends To Improve Speaking Ability To The Second Year Students Of SMAN 1 Lilinlau Soppeng
  7. Grammatcal Errors In Speaking made By The Fifth SMT Of English Education Depart Students At UIN Alauddin
  8. Improving Reading Comprehention Through Listen Read discer method Of MA Syekh Yusuf Sungguminasa
  9. The Efectiveness Of Using Guided Reading Method To Improve The Students Reading Comprehention At
  10. Using Coenitive Learning StylesTo Increase The Students Vocabulary Mastery Of The First Year Students (PPM) PP Modern Rahmatul Asri Enrekang
  11. Using Students Personal Experiences As a Source Of Material To Improve Their Writing Ability In The Second Students Of SMA Wahdah islamiyah Makassar
  12. Using Random Text Staregy In  Improving Reading Comprehension Ability To The Second Year Students At SMP 5 Majene
  13. Improving Students Ability In Writing Descrictive text through Contextual teaching and learning Approach at the third year students of MA Madani Alauddin Pao-pao Gowa
  14. Appling Cognitive Learning Strategy In Developing the Second Year Student Speaking Ability At SMA 2 Sinjai
  15. The Students Ability In Analyzing Santences Of Reading Texts Using Cooperative Learning At The Fifth Semester Students Of English Language and Literature Departemen
  16. The English Learness Opinion at Benteng Panynyua English Club (BPEC) Fort Rotterdam Tower Warning Up and Small discussion in Teaching Speaking
  17. Using Word Search Puzzle Improve The Students Vocabulary Mastery of The Sixth Year Student of MI DDI Kampung Baru Polewali Mandar
  18. Motivating The Second Year Student of M.A Madani Pao Pao Gowa in Memorizing English Vocabulary By Using Mind Map (Fish bone Model) Strategy
  19. Enhancing the Students Speaking and Writing ability by Using chain questions and answer drill at the second grade of SMPN 1 Tanasitolo Kab. Wajo.
  20. The Ability Of The Third Year Students Of MA Madani Paopao GowaTo Translate English Short Sturu Firt
  21. Using Genius Method To Improving The Sudents Vocabulary Mastery Of The Ninth Grade Students Of MTs Ponpes Ar-Rahman DDI Galla Raya Pangkep
  22. The Effective Of Using Think About Strategy To Improve The Students Ability In Reading Comprehesion At The Third Year Students Of SMK Yapika Makassar
  23. Understanding The Position Of Orientation Complication & Resolution To Write A narrative text At The First Year Students Of SMAN 11 Makassar
  24. diffeculies Enccuntered By The Second Students Of MA DDI Padang Lampe Kec. Ma’rang Kab. Pangkep In Translation Indonesia Noun Into English
  25. Improving The Students Writing Ability At The Second  Year Of SMP Muh. 12 Makassar By Using Wali Makassar
  26. Impriving The Second Year Student’s Pronunciation Ability Poetry At MA 2 Sinjai.
  27. Using English Song to Improve Student Prounanciation Ability Second Year Students of MAN Tanete Bulukumba
  28. Improving Speaking Ability by Using Presentation Practice and Production (PPP) Method to The Members of United English Forum (UEF) Makassar
  29. The difficulties Faced by The Fifth Semester Students of English Department at UIN Alauddin Makassar in Idiomatically Transleting English Sentences into Indonesian
  30. Improving Students Reading Comprehension The Fifh Group Of he Fifih Year Students Of SMUN 9 Makassar Trough Reciprocal (Teaching Technique )