Pidato Bahasa Inggris : The Sign Of Ibadurrahman

Honourable chairman of this presentation respectabke master of this ceremony respectable speakers and my loving audience

Assalamu Alaikum Wr. Wb.


All praise are only belong to Allah subhanahu, may the blessing and peace be upon the prophet of Allah Muhammad p.b.u.h, his companions and his follower till the day of judgement.

Before I go on this speech, I’d like to say thanks to the master of ceremony so that I have time to deliver a speech entitle with’

The Sign Of Ibadurrahman

Brothers, a good man specific sign are which make him different from a bad man. Among of them as are described by Allah on his saying:

“The true servants of the merciful are those who walk humbly on the earth, and when the ignorant address them they say; peace! Who pass the night standing and on their kness in adoration of their lord; who say; lord ward off from us  the punishment of hell, for its punishment is everlasting; and evil dwelling and evil resting place; who when the spend are neither extravagant  nor niggardly, but keep the golden mean; who invoke no other god besides Allah and do not kill the soul which god has forbidden except for a just cause, who do not commit adultery. For the that does this shall meet with evil; his punishment shall be doubled on the day of resurrection, and he shall abide therein for  eve in disgrace, unless he repent and believe and do good works, for them Allah will change his sins to good action, Allah is ever forgiving and merciful. He that repents and does good work truly returns to Allah, and the true servants are those, who do not bear false weitness and do not lose their digniry when listening to profane chatter, who do not turn a  blind eye and a deaf ear to the revelations of their lord when the are reminded of them, who says; lord, give us you in our wives and children and make us example to those who fear you. The shall be rewarded with the highest place for their patience. There they shall find welcome and gretting, and there they shall abide for ever; a blessed dwelling and blessed place” (QS. 25:63-67)

The first sign :

Walk humbly and when the ignorant address them they say: peace!

It means when they walk, they walk calmly, with no proud, neither slowly like a sickman. It’s said that prophet Adam a.s walked like  folding the earth. And Umar ibnu Khattab straight the walking of a man with his stick’, cause he walked slowly like a sickman and said “Why are you walking so slow like a sickman” And Umar asked him to straight on his walking. And when the ignorant say bad words, they do not say the same way, the even forgive it and get away.

The second sign:

Pass the night standing and on their kness in adoration their lord

They fill their night to worship and obey him, they fill with nights prayer, read the holy Al-Qur’an, and prayer. Their neight isn’t only to sleep and hug the pillow. As Allah says on his verse:

The sleep little in the night (QS. 52:17)

The third sign:

And who say, lord, ward off from us the punishment on hell, for its punishment is everlasting.

They quite afraid of the hell torture, thus they pray to Allah to be away from it.

The four sign:

Who when spend are neither extravagant nor niggaradly, but the golden mean.

They do not spend their rich more than they need, and neither miser, so that they do not reduce to the right of those who are under his custody.

The fifth sign:

Who invoke no other god besides Allah and do not kill the soul which god, has forbidden except for a just cause; who do not commit adultery; for he that does this shall meet with evil.

They do not practice syirk at any case, do not kill any body, except with a true reason, such as to a murder, the doer of adultery while he is married, apostate etc, killing in those matters are approval.

The sixth sign:

Who do not bear false witness and do not lose their dignity when listening to profane chatter.

They do not bear false witness, witness which is different to the fact, its only his own modification. And if they meet who does something useless to the hereather, they go on with keeping their dignity. They do not affected more after doing as they do.

The seventh sign:

Who do not turn a blind eye and deaf ear to the revelations of their Lord when they reminded of them.

They accept Qur’ani verses. They pay attention to it. They think about the promise and threat well.

The aren’t like who hears, with no thought or action. And Allah reminds us not to just liten with no action. Allah says:

“Do not be like those who say ‘we hear’ but give no deed to what they hear’

The eight sign:

Who says “lord, give us joy in our wives and children and make us examples to those who fear you.

They keep pray to Allah, in order to get good generation. A generation to  who obeys Allah, not who get away from his reminder and guidance.

This, let us be servants who have these signs; as our ticket to heaven. They are who rewarded with the highest place for their patience. There they shall find welcome and greeting a.

Finally, its’ enough my speech, for every mistake I do apologize, and I’d to say.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

Salam …